Providing Market Leaders with
True Competitive Advantage
Rampart offers future-proof secure wireless communications. Rampart makes defending your networks easier and attacking your wireless impossible. Our solution is new science: not “one more security half-measure,” but a foundational improvement in your ability to de-risk and defend.
For government, satellite, financial services, healthcare, anything that’s connected, and everything IoT, Rampart offers complete protection for your networks.
Satellite Networks
Satellite coverage areas are measured in hemispheres and host a diverse set of customers and use cases. The commercial satellite industry depends on robust and efficient security solutions. The advent of consumer-grade software-defined radios and a growing toolset of sophisticated sniffing and reverse engineering capabilities means that “security by obscurity” is no longer a viable option. Current industry-leading defenses are both expensive and incomplete: Link-layer encryption is power-hungry and still leaves control channel information in the clear; LPI and frequency-hopping are decades-old countermeasures.
Rampart offers high-efficiency cryptographic security for the entire family of DVB-S modulations. UBDM protects your network against eavesdropping, denial or degradation-of-service, and exploitation. Command link attacks are a thing of the past. With Rampart, you can build fast, scalable, secure-by-default networks. We are transmission security for today and the future.